Friday, 1 January 2021

Things Students Should Avoid to Write a Great Dissertation

By on 03:49
Dissertation Writing
A dissertation is a final document that is required for getting a degree in any discipline or field. It is a lengthy and detailed research essay that is compiled by students aiming to get their doctorate degree. It argues in defense of the research topic put forward by the individual. It is nonetheless an overwhelming task to accomplish as writing a great dissertation demands quality research and guidance from experienced professionals. There are a number of things that students should take care of when writing quality dissertation. Mentioned here are some of them:
  • Avoid Generalization: In writing a scholarly document, the students must avoid making generalizations like all, always, every, etc.
  • Avoid Opinions: The students should avoid using opinionated words like, clearly or obviously. Maybe what is obvious to you is not so much so to others. In case you are not able to do this, there are dissertation writing service providers who can provide you with the best quality.
  • Avoid Colloquial Language: Always keep in mind that a thesis is a formal document so avoid colloquial and informal tone.
  • Avoid Grammatical Mistakes: When you are finished with your writing, make sure to proofread it out loud. This will help to check for any grammatical errors or typos. You must also check the spellings and grammar through the auto spell/grammar checker software.
  • Avoid Using the Word “No”: When expressing an idea, it is best to use the actual word to describe the situation. For example; instead of writing “Thomas did not understand my idea”, say “Thomas failed to understand my idea.”
  • Avoid too Much Pronouns: When discussing an article by an author avoid using “he” or “she”. Use the author’s last name along with the date the article was published on. If you must use the pronouns like us, they or theirs then make clear references in gender, number, subject or object.
  • Avoid Redundancy: Too many repetitive words or phrases could make a work insipid. Avoid wordiness in MBA degree program when conveying or expressing an idea.
  • Avoid Strong Feelings: Stay away from insinuations, sarcasm, innuendos and any kind of strong emotional language and try to exhibit humility in your scholarly writing.
  • Avoid Passive Statements: Instead of giving a passive tone to sentences, always write in the active voice. For example, in place of saying “Harry Potter series is written by J.K. Rowling”, you can say “J.K. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter series.”
  • Avoid Declarative Statements: Instead of declaring the result of study, use comparative statements and with proof and evidence let your readers decide if you have succeeded in achieving your goal. For example: Instead of saying that “this study will show that regular exercise will make you live longer”, you can rephrase it as; “through evidence and research it has been shown that regular exercise may be helpful in increasing your life span”.
  • Avoid Humor or Wittiness: A dissertation should always have a serious, professional tone for writing assignments. All kinds of comical and humorous sentences should be avoided along with message whose ingenuity has the power to evoke laughter should be avoided. It is because when you are writing a dissertation at doctoral level you need a high quality writing format.
It is important for the students to review all the above points thoroughly and avoid using them in their dissertation for better effect.


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